Wednesday 24 October 2012

Track my ship!

Well, the car has been booked on a transport and RoRo container ship The Turandot, leaving New York on the 2nd of November! Going to Google to find an image of the Turandot I found this very cool website which not only tells me everything about the ship, but also has a link to a live map showing its position! Don't you just love the Internet.

Link for the ship information sheet: (click on the position information to see its progress, or as below)

Link for the updated Ship progress page:

The last link also allows you to see all ships and their present position on the map. Its mad seeing how busy the English Chanel really is. Love it! This just appeals to my geeky nature. I'll be able to check the Turandot's progress each day, make sure she hasn't sunk yet!


  1. Isn't it strange to think that there is or will be a DeLorean in the middle of the atlantic ocean somewhere!

  2. Well, there might be two, what with mine and yours on a ship. Maybe the same ship, maybe two. Get the name of the ship and track it with the above!
